New API-NG Release - 7th October 2013
New API-NG Release - 7th October 2013
This release is now live!
This release includes the following functions:
Australian Markets
You can make requests and place bets on Australian markets by accessing the Australian exchange server via the following endpoints.
Interface | Endpoint | JSON-RPC Prefix |
JSON-RPC | <methodname> | |
Interface | Endpoint | JSON-RPC Prefix |
JSON-RPC | <methodname> | |
*Please note the getAccountFunds operations for the Australian Exchange doesn’t currently return details from the Australian wallet. This is due to be rectified in a future release.
Account Operations (Vendor API)
- A new operation getVendorClientId that returns a unique VendorClientId for a customer to the vendor . This operation creates a VendorClientId if one does not already exist.
- Updated operation activateApplicationSubscription that now generates a new VendorClientId if one does not exist when activating a subscription.
- Updated operation listApplicationSubscriptionTokens which now returns a VendorClientId for active subscriptions.
- A new operation getApplicationSubscriptionHistory that returns a list of all subscriptions that are associated to a customer’s VendorClientId.
- Vendors are now able to attach some information about a customer to a subscription via a new attribute called clientReference. This reference could be a previous subscription reference or an old vendor client id used in API-6, for example.
- Vendors can pass in the clientReference in an updated getApplicationSubscriptionToken operation.
- Vendors can retrieve the clientReference via an updated listApplicationSubscriptionTokens operation and via the new getApplicationSubscrption operation.
- Now includes OrderBy BY_MATCH_TIME to allow orders to be returned in order of matched time.
, multiple selections available,