Sample Code

Sample Code

Sample Code, Client Libraries & Tutorials

As well as sample code developed by Betfair, this page allows you to find sample code or documentation prepared by members of the Developer Program community. 

If you would like to contribute to this space, please contact Developer Support

All Betfair-developed sample code follows a typical workflow:

  • Find the next UK Horse Racing Win market

  • Get prices for the market

  • Place a bet on the market 

  • Handle the error returned by the API when the bet fails as it is below the minimum stake size.

Please Note: In order to aid ease of understanding, the basic Betfair samples are not intended to show certain best practices for speed and throughput. Well-designed applications should follow the best practices for client design of the application/language platform and should optimise on an HTTP request level with features such as requesting gzip'd responses and http connection keep alives. Please see Optimizing API Application Performance for further details.

The following samples are currently available: