Exchange Stream API


The Exchange Streaming API provides low latency access to Betfair Exchange market data allowing you to subscribe to and efficiently track changes to market, price, and order data.  

The protocol is based on ssl sockets (normal) with a CRLF JSON protocol.  We publish a definition of the schema of the JSON messages in the Swagger format.

We maintain sample code in Java, C#, and Node.js here:

Sample Application - C#, Java & Node.js

A console-based C#, Java and Node.js sample application is available for the Market & Order Streaming API and is available via

Users wishing to interact with the Streaming API using one of these languages are strongly advised to make use of this sample code.

Swagger Definition

For users wishing to use other languages or develop their own implementation, we provide a swagger schema to allow browsing & code generation.

We recommend using Swagger Code Gen ( for generation,

The Swagger editor can also be used to view the domain model

  • Use File -> Import File and choose the Swagger Definition downloaded from our GitHub repository

A few points to note with Swagger:

  • It's cross-platform and we can't control how it works / behaves - but it does save a lot of error-prone typing.

  • Enums and Inheritance are a little flaky:

    • Enums for error codes / filters etc. are defined but are treated as strings in c# (so you will need to copy definitions from the Swagger spec until this is fixed by Swagger).

    • Inheritance is defined but not generated correctly - you will have to manually manipulate the op=<type> field

      • In c# JsonCreationConverter is the typical way to model inheritance

      • In java look at JsonSubTypes

  • We are not a REST service - so only the swagger-generated model package is relevant.

Typical Interactions with Stream API:

The typical API interactions are documented below (detail is below this).

Market Stream:

Order Stream:



Every message is in json & terminated with a line feed (CRLF):

{json message}\r\n

Json Serializer Setup

As the protocol is CRLF delimited don't forget to turn-off JSON pretty printing (C# has this on by default)

TCP / SSL Connection

Connection is established with an SSL socket to the following address:

External (SSL):

Avoiding TIMEOUT on connection

Once you have established a connection you should send a message within 15 seconds to avoid receiving a TIMEOUT error

Pre-production (beta) endpoint

For pre-production (beta) releases the following URL should be used for integration testing only.

Integration Endpoint

Basic Message Protocol

Two base message classes exist:

  • RequestMessage - These are messages sent to the server.

  • ResponseMessage - These are messages received from the server.

Every child message type has:

  • id - A unique counter you should supply on a RequestMessage and which will be supplied back on a ResponseMessage.

  • op - This identifies the request type and may be used to switch/deserialize correctly

Note: Any fields representing time and having a long type will represent the UNIX Timestamps (See for conversions) 


RequestMessage is the base class for requests from the client; the discriminator is op=<message type>

Key fields:

  • op=authentication - The AuthenticationMessage - authenticates your connection.

  • op=marketSubscription - The MarketSubscriptionMessage - subscribes to market changes.

  • op=orderSubscription - The OrderSubscriptionMessage - subscribes to order changes.

  • op=heartbeat - The HeartbeatMessage - use if you need to keep a firewall open or want to test connectivity.


  • Remember to set op=<message type> - otherwise, we can't decode the request

  • Remember to set id=<unique sequence> - this will let you link requests with responses (these should be logged and provided on support calls)

  • Every RequestMessage will receive a StatusMessage with the status of the call (linked by the id that you send).

    • All errors apart from SUBSCRIPTION_LIMIT_EXCEEDED close the connection


ResponseMessage is the base class for responses back to the client; the discriminator is op=<message type>

Key fields:

  • op=connection - The ConnectionMessage sent on your connection.

  • op=status - The StatusMessage (returned in response to every RequestMessage)

  • op=mcm - The MarketChangeMessage that carries the initial image and updates to markets that you have subscribed to.

  • op=ocm - The OrderChangeMessage that carries the initial image and updates to orders that you have subscribed to.


As mentioned earlier the id=<request id> and links your request with your response.

ChangeMessages carry the id of the original request that established the subscription

Status / StatusMessage

Every request receives a status response with a matching id.

Key fields:

  • statusCode -  The status of the request i.e success/fail

    • SUCCESS - Call processed correctly

    • FAILURE - Call failed (inspect errorCode and errorMessage for reason)

  • connectionClosed - Boolean set to true if the connection was closed as a result of a failure

  • errorCode - The type of error in case of a failure - see the swagger spec/enum.

  • errorMessage - Additional message in case of a failure

  • connectionsAvailable – The number of additional connections you can open (populated only in response to authentication requests)


This categorizes the various error codes that could be expected (these are subject to change and extension)





General errors not sent with id linking to specific request (as no request context)


Failure code returned when an invalid input is provided (could not deserialize the message)


Failure code when a client times out (i.e. too slow sending data)


Specific to authentication


Failure code returned when an application key is not found in the message


Failure code returned when an invalid application key is received


Failure code returned when a session token is not found in the message


Failure code returned when an invalid session token is received


Failure code returned when the client is not authorized to perform the operation


Failure code returned when a client tries to create more connections than allowed to


Failure code is returned when a client makes too many requests within a short time period


Specific to subscription requests


Thrown when subscribed to more markets than allowed to - set to 200 markets by default


Failure code returned when an invalid clock is provided on re-subscription (check initialClk / clk supplied)



 General errors which may or may not be linked to specific request id


Failure code returned when an internal error occurred on the server


Failure code used when the client/server connection is terminated

Connection / ConnectionMessage

This is received by the client when it successfully opens a connection to the server

Key fields:

  • connectionId - This is a unique identifier that you must supply for support.

Initial ConnectionMessage

On establishing a connection a client receives a ConnectionMessage - the connectionId must be logged & supplied on any support queries:


Authentication / AuthenticationMessage

This message is the first message that the client must send on connecting to the server - you must be authenticated before any other request is processed.  

Key fields:

  • op=authentication - This is the operation type

  • appKey - This is your application key to identify your application

  • session - The session token generated from API login.

Common Authentication Errors

Some common authentication errors that you should handle - are defined on ErrorCodes enum (these will all close your connection):

  • NO_APP_KEY / INVALID_APP_KEY - Check you are using the correct app key

  • NO_SESSION / INVALID_SESSION_INFORMATION - Check the session is current

  • NOT_AUTHORIZED - Check that you are using the correct Application Key/session and that it has been set up by Betfair Developer Support.

  • MAX_CONNECTION_LIMIT_EXCEEDED - Check that you are not creating too many connections / are closing connections properly.

  • TOO_MANY_REQUESTS – Check that you are not creating/closing connections too frequently

Subscription / SubscriptionMessage

This message changes the client's subscription - there are currently two subscription message types:

  • op=marketSubscription- MarketSubscriptionMessage which streams:

    • op=mcm - MarketChangeMessage - the price changes for a market

  • op=orderSubscription- OrderSubscriptionMessage which streams:

    • op=ocm - OrderChangeMessage - the order changes for a market

On creating a subscription you will receive:

  • StatusMessage confirming the status of your request

  • A stream of ChangeMessages linked with the id of the request which is composed of:

    • Initial image

    • Deltas to the initial image

It is possible to subscribe multiple times - each replaces the previous (each will send a new initial image and deltas) - they are not additive.

Key fields on a SubscriptionMessage:

  • segmentationEnabled=true 

    • segmentation breaks up large messages and improves: end to end performance, latency, time to the first and last byte

    • see the topic on change message segmentation for a full explanation of how this works.

  • conflateMs - Specifies a forced conflation rate (in milliseconds) - Please note: the field value will be 180000 if you access the Stream API using a Delayed App Key or have an account delay in place when using the Live App Key.

  • heartbeatMs - Specifies a minimum interval that a client would expect to receive a message (in milliseconds) - bounds are 500 to 5000 milliseconds.

    • If no change is delivered in this interval then an empty change message will be sent with a ChangeType.HEARTBEAT

  • initialClk & clk - these two sequence tokens allow for faster recovery in the event of a disconnection:

    • If supplied (with identical subscription criteria) you will receive a delta to your previous state rather than a full initial image

    • see the topic on re-subscription for a full explanation of how this works.


This message is the payload that delivers changes (both initial image & updates) to a client - there are currently two change message types:

  • op=mcm - MarketChangeMessage

  • op=ocm - OrderChangeMessage

The Order Changes and Market Changes are being produced by 2 independent systems so we can give no guarantee as to the order in which they will be sent.

Key fields on a ChangeMessage:

  • ct= ChangeType - this enumeration is used to identify the type of change

    • SUB_IMAGE - The initial image returned from a subscription. May also happen while the subscription is ongoing and should replace local cache entirely.

    • RESUB_DELTA - A patch returned from a resubscribe

    • HEARTBEAT - An empty message published if no data has been sent within heartbeatMs

      • We send these to maintain the connection to you and detect closed connections

      • You can use the heartbeatMs to verify that you are still connected

    • <null / not set> - An update message

  • segmentType - SegmentType - this enumeration identifies multi-part segmented messages:

    • SEG_START - Start of a segmented message

    • SEG - Middle part of a segmented message

    • SEG_END - Last part of a segmented message

    • <null / not set> - A non-segmented message

  • conflateMs - the actual conflation being used 

    • This might be different from what you specified - if your account is for instance delayed or your request was out of bounds

  • status - Stream status: set to null if the exchange stream data is up to date and 503 if the downstream services are experiencing latency

  • heartbeatMs - the actual heartbeat being used

    • This might be different from what you specified as we bounds check

    • You can use this to verify your connection is live (as you should receive 1 message within this time period).

  • pt - publishTime - the time we sent the message

  • initialClk & clk - these two sequence tokens allow for faster recovery in the event of a disconnection:

    • If we send these then they should be stored

    • see the topic on re-subscription for a full explanation of how this works.

Heartbeat ChangeMessages

heartbeatMs is a guarantee of how often (even with no changes) you will receive a ChangeMessage; i.e.:

If heartbeatMs= 500 and your subscription has not changed in 500ms then we will send an empty ChangeMessage with ct=HEARTBEAT

(this verifies your connection is live and processing data)

Change Message Segmentation

The below shows the key interactions for subscription & changes with segmentation applied:

Typically on changing your subscription, you will want to clear any local cache you maintain.

Initial Image Handling

  • How can I detect the start of an initial image & clear my cache?

    • ct=ChangeType.SUB_IMAGE and segmentType=null or SegmentType.SEG_START indicates the start of a new image

  • How can I detect the end of an initial image?

    • ct=ChangeType.SUB_IMAGE and segmentType=null or SegmentType.SEG_END indicates the end of a new image

  • When I change Subscription how do I safely ignore messages for a previous subscription?

    • All ChangeMessages carry have id=<request id> this allows safe disposal during subscription change


This subscription type is used to receive price changes for one or more markets; your subscription criteria determine what you see.

Coarse vs Fine Grain Subscriptions

It is preferable to use coarse grain subscriptions (subscribe to a super-set) rather than fine grain (specific market ids).

  • If you find yourself frequently changing subscriptions you probably want to find a wider super-set to subscribe to

A Market Subscription has two types of filter:

  • marketFilter - MarketFilter - this is a horizontal filter of markets that you require (i.e. rows)

  • marketDataFilter - MarketDataFilter - this is a vertical filter of fields that you require (i.e. columns)

Limiting the amount of data that you consume will make your initial image much smaller (and faster) & suppress changes that are uninteresting to you.

Market Filtering / MarketFilter

As with the Betting API users have the ability to filter the market data they get from the Exchange Stream API (ESA).

All subscriptions are evaluated with a few default criteria:

  • Standard jurisdictional filtering that restricts visibility (mirroring site behavior)

  • Permissions that control:

    • Specific sports that you are entitled to

    • A maximum consumption limit (exceeding this will result in an error with details of the limit: ErrorCode.SUBSCRIPTION_LIMIT_EXCEEDED)

 Users can then specify the following filters when they subscribe to ESA:

Filter name







If no marketIds passed user will be subscribed to all markets




Restrict to Bsp markets only, if True or non-bsp markets if False. If not specified then returns both BSP and non-BSP markets




Restrict to markets that match the betting type of the market (i.e. Odds, Asian Handicap Singles, or Asian Handicap Doubles)




Restrict markets by event type associated with the market. (i.e., "1" for Football, "7" for Horse Racing, etc)




Restrict markets by the event id associated with the market.




Restrict to markets that will turn in play if True or will not turn in play if false. If not specified, returns both.




Restrict to markets that match the type of the market (i.e., MATCH_ODDS, HALF_TIME_SCORE). You should use this instead of relying on the market name as the market type codes are the same in all locales




Restrict markets by the venue associated with the market. Currently, only Horse Racing markets have venues.




Restrict to markets that are in the specified country or countries. Please note: default value is 'GB' when the correct country code cannot be determined.




Restrict to markets of a specific raceType. Valid values are - Harness, Flat, Hurdle, Chase, Bumper, NH Flat, Steeple (AUS/NZ races), and NO_VALUE (when no valid race type has been mapped).   

For AUS/NZ races, the following definitions apply:

  • Flat’ – Used for standard ANZ thoroughbred races

  • Harness’ – Self-explanatory – used for Aus/NZ harness racing events.

  • Steeple’ – Used for Aus/NZ steeple chase races.

  • Hurdle’ - Used for Aus/NZ hurdle races.

Example marketSubscription

For example a subscription message with almost all filters enabled will look something like this:  


Subscriptions with no matching markets

We don't verify your subscription criteria as you could potentially subscribe to either a wild card (which would include future markets) or a future marketid which we do not have yet but would send on arrival

Market data field filtering / MarketDataFilter

A market data filter restricts the fields that you get back (and only if the fields have changed).

Key fields:

  • fields - A set of field filter flags (see below)

  • ladderLevels - For depth-based ladders the number of levels to send (1 to 10). 1 is best price to back or lay etc.

Ladder Levels Behaviour

When bdatb and bdatl are sent with an empty array ("bdatb:[]"), this indicates that there's an update but this has been filtered out due to the "ladderLevels" marketDataFilter i.e. the update falls outside of the "ladderLevels" specified.

The field filter flags are defined as shown below. 

Please note: An illustration of the equivalent data as displayed on the Betfair website can be viewed here

Filter name





bdatb, bdatl

level, price, size

Best prices including Virtual Bets - depth is controlled by ladderLevels (1 to 10) - Please note: The virtual price stream is updated ~150 m/s after non-virtual prices. Virtual prices are calculated for all ladder levels.


batb, batl

level, price, size

Best prices not including Virtual Bets - depth is controlled by ladderLevels (1 to 10).


atb, atl

price, size

Full available to BACK/LAY ladder.



price, size

Full traded ladder.  This is the amount traded at any price on any selection in the market




Market and runner level traded volume.  




The "Last Price Matched" on a selection.




Send market definitions.   To receive updates to any of the following fields - Exchange Stream API#MarketDefinitionFields 


spb, spl

price, size

Starting price ladder.


spn, spf


Starting price projection prices.  To receive any update to the Betfair SP Near and Far price. 


Multiple field filters may be combined; a subscription message that contains data fields should look like the following: 


The below example shows how to correctly use the ladderLevels marketDataFilter:

{"op": "marketSubscription", "id": 1, "marketFilter": { "marketIds": [ "1.134085859" ] }, "marketDataFilter": { "ladderLevels": 2, "fields": [ "EX_MARKET_DEF", "EX_BEST_OFFERS" ] } }

Correctly configuring field filters

Correctly configuring field filters can help by:

  • Reducing the size (and time) of initial images

  • Reducing the rate of change (as only changes matching your field filter are sent)

MC / MarketChangeMessage

This is the ChangeMessage stream of data we send back to you once you subscribe to the market stream. 

Key fields:

  • <as for ChangeMessage>

  • mc / MarketChange - this list of market changes contains the changes in the markets that you have subscribed to.  

    • img / Image - replace existing prices/data with the data supplied: it is not a delta (or null if delta)

    • tv - The total amount matched across the market.  This value is truncated at 2dp (or null if unchanged)

    • marketDefinition / MarketDefinition - this is sent in full (but only if it has changed)

    • rc / RunnerChange - this is sent to supply the details of a runner (namely prices)

      • con / Conflated = true - if this is sent then more than one change is combined in this message

      • Values - Please note: these are only sent if the value has changed.

        • tv - Traded Volume on this runner.

        • ltp - Last Traded Price on this runner.

        • spn - Starting Price Near

        • spf - Starting Price Far

      • Level / Depth Based Ladders (level, price, size - triples - keyed by level):

        • size=0 - indicates a remove

        • batb / batl - Best Available To Back / Best Available To Lay (non-virtual)

        • bdatb / bdatl - Best Display Available To Back / Best Display Available To Lay (virtual)

      • Price point / full depth Ladders (price, size - tuples - keyed by price):

        • size=0 - indicates a remove

        • atb / atl - Available To Back / Available To Lay (these are the raw/full depth non-virtual prices)

        • spb / spl - Starting Price (Available To) Back / Starting Price (Available To) Lay (please be aware that these values are aligned with atb / atl)

        • trd - Traded

Building a price cache

Most of the change-based data (RunnerChange) is delta based - this means a few rules:

  • img / Image - if this is set to true then you should replace this item in your cache

  • Values - the values sent are nullable & are not sent if they are not changed (i.e. if tv has not changed then there will be no field in the message)

  • Level / Depth-Based ladders

    • [0, 1.2, 20] -> Insert / Update level 0 (top of book) with price 1.2 and size 20

    • [0, 1.2, 0] -> Remove level 0 (top of book) i.e. ladder is now empty

  • Price point / full-depth ladders

    • [1.2, 20] -> Insert / Update price 1.2 with size 20

    • [1.2, 0] -> Remove price 1.2 i.e. there is no size at this price


You will always receive an update at every position in the ladder that changed so you'll never have to assume anything based on the message you receive.

Seeing [position,0,0] means that there’s nothing at that position anymore (and hence [0,0,0] means there’s nothing in the entire ladder anymore)

  • Placed the first bet on a selection


  • Placed a second bet that didn't disturb the first bet's position


  • Placed a third bet that bumped the previous two down the ladder


  • Cancelled the top position causing the other positions to move up (and the bottom position to become empty)


  • Cancelled by market to remove the remaining 2 positions in one go


MarketDefinition Fields

The following fields are returned within the marketDefintition.

Field Name




Market Id - the id of the market



The venue - applies to horse racing and greyhound markets only



If 'true' the market supports Betfair SP betting



If 'true' the market is set to turn in-play



If 'true' the market supports 'Keep' bets if the market is to be turned in-play



The commission rate applicable to the market



The unique id for the event



The unique eventTypeId that the event belongs to



The number of winners on a market






Market base type



The market start time



The market suspend time



True if the market starting price has been reconciled



If false, runners may be added to the market



True if the market is currently in play



True if cross-matching is enabled for this market.



True if runners in the market can be voided



The number of runners that are currently active. An active runner is a selection available for betting



The number of seconds an order is held until it is submitted into the market. Orders are usually delayed when the market is in-play



The status of the market, for example, OPEN, SUSPENDED, CLOSED (settled), etc.



The market regulators



Indicate whether or not the users discount rate is taken into account in this market



This is the timezone in which the event is taking place



The scheduled start date and time of the event.  This is GMT by default



A non-monotonically increasing number indicates market changes



This subscription type is used to receive order changes; the subscription message has one type of filter

  • orderFilter (optional)


This optional filter already filters by your account, but additional data shaping is supported

Filter name









This is for internal use only & should not be set on your filter (your subscription is already locked to your account).





Returns overall / net position (OrderRunnerChange.mb /





Restricts to specified customerStrategyRefs (specified in placeOrders) ; this will filter orders and StrategyMatchChanges accordingly (Note: overall position is not filtered)





Returns strategy positions (OrderRunnerChange.smc=Map<customerStrategyRef, StrategyMatchChange>) - these are sent in delta format as per overall position.


OCM / OrderChangeMessage

This is the ChangeMessage stream of data we send back to you once you subscribe to the order stream. 

Key fields:

  • <as for ChangeMessage>

  • oc / OrderAccountChange - the modifications to account's orders (will be null on a heartbeat)

    • closed - indicates when the market is closed

    • id / Market Id - the id of the market the order is on

    • fullImage - replace existing data at market level with the data supplied: it is not a delta (or null if delta)

    • orc / Order Changes - a list of changes to orders on a runner

      • fullImage - replace existing data at runner level with the data supplied: it is not a delta (or null if delta)

      • id / Selection Id - the id of the runner (selection) 

      • hc / Handicap - the handicap of the runner (selection) (null if not applicable)

      • uo / Unmatched Orders - orders on this runner that are unmatched

        • Every order change is sent in full; the transient on a change to EXECUTION_COMPLETE is sent (but it would not be sent on the initial image)

        • id / Bet Id - the id of the order  

        • p / Price - the original placed price of the order

        • s / Size - the original placed size of the order

        • bsp / BSP Liability - the BSP liability of the order (null if the order is not a BSP order)

        • side / Side - the side of the order

        • status / Status - the status of the order (E = EXECUTABLE, EC = EXECUTION_COMPLETE)

        • pt / Persistence Type - whether the order will persist at in play or not (L = LAPSE, P = PERSIST, MOC = Market On Close)

        • ot / Order Type - the type of the order (L = LIMIT, MOC = MARKET_ON_CLOSE, LOC = LIMIT_ON_CLOSE)

        • pd / Placed Date - the date the order was placed

        • md / Matched Date - the date the order was matched (null if the order is not matched)

        • cd / Cancelled Date - the date the order was cancelled (null if the order is not cancelled)

        • ld / Lapsed Date - the date the order was lapsed (null if the order is not lapsed)

        • lsrc/Lapse Status Reason Code - the reason that some or all of this order has been lapsed (null if no portion of the order is lapsed)

        • avp / Average Price Matched - the average price the order was matched at (null if the order is not matched

        • sm / Size Matched - the amount of the order that has been matched

        • sr / Size Remaining - the amount of the order that is remaining unmatched

        • sl / Size Lapsed - the amount of the order that has been lapsed

        • sc / Size Cancelled - the amount of the order that has been cancelled

        • sv / Size Voided - the amount of the order that has been voided

        • rac / Regulator Auth Code - the auth code returned by the regulator

        • rc / Regulator Code - the regulator of the order

        • rfo / Reference Order - the customer supplied order reference

        • rfs / Reference Strategy - the customer-supplied strategy reference used to group orders together - default is ""

      • Price point / full depth Ladders (price, size - tuples - keyed by price) of matches:

        • mb / Matched Backs - matched amounts by distinct matched price on the Back side for this runner

        • ml / Matched Lays - matched amounts by distinct matched price on the Lay side for this runner

Building an order cache

An order cache is somewhat simpler as orders are sent in full (on change) and only matches need delta merging

  • fullImage - if the market or runner's fullImage value is set to true then you should replace this item in your cache N.B. it is possible for the fulllImage flag to be sent with an empty update for a market/runner which indicates you no longer have any position on that market/runner and it can be removed from your cache completely

  • Orders - replace each order according to order id.

  • Price point / full depth ladders

    • [1.2, 20] -> Insert / Update price 1.2 with size 20

    • [1.2, 0] -> Remove price 1.2 i.e. there is no size at this price

    • An empty list of points also means the ladder is now empty


Market subscriptions - are always in underlying exchange currency - GBP. The default roll-up for GBP is £1 for batb / batl and bdatb / bdatl, This means that stakes of less than £1 (or currency equivalent) are rolled up to the next available price on the odds ladder. For atb / atl there is no roll-up. Available volume is displayed at all prices including those with less than £2 available.

Orders subscriptions - are provided in the currency of the account that the orders are placed in.

Unmatched Orders

New subscriptions: Will receive an initial image with only E - Executable orders (unmatched).

Live subscriptions: Will receive a transient of the order to EC - Execution Complete as the order transits into that state (allowing you to remove the order from your cache).

Please note: EXECUTION_COMPLETE (fully matched) orders are only returned when transitioning from EXECUTABLE to EXECUTION_COMPLETE. The full details of EXECUTION_COMPLETE orders can only be viewed using listCurrentOrders/listMarketBook using orderProjections.

Market Level Snapshots

During normal streaming, you may on rare occasions receive a market-level snapshot, in which case you should replace the item in your cache. The update will be a fullImage, as shown in the example below

{"clk": "AIElAJgiAIYjAMAhAOsm", "oc": [{"orc": [{"uo": [{"status": "E", "rfs": "", "sm": 0, "pt": "L", "sr": 2, "rc": "REG_GGC", "sv": 0, "side": "B", "p": 990, "s": 2, "pd": 1603894536000, "sl": 0, "sc": 0, "ot": "L", "rfo": "", "id": "215144775671", "rac": ""}], "id": 30246, "fullImage": true}], "id": "1.174743281", "fullImage": true}], "pt": 1603895058618, "op": "ocm"}

Example Output of Order Stream Message on Connection/Re-connection

Here's an example showing the data provided following a connection/re-connection to the Order Stream API.  The example shows matched backs on two separate markets one of which has a size remaining of 0.25.

Example of Order Stream Output (reconnection) - with size remaining
	"op": "ocm",
	"id": 6,
	"initialClk": "GpOH0JwBH762w50BHKKomJ0BGpzR5ZoBH5mWsJwB",
	"conflateMs": 0,
	"heartbeatMs": 5000,
	"pt": 1468943673782,
	"ct": "SUB_IMAGE",
	"oc": [{
		"id": "1.125657695",
		"orc": [{
			"fullImage": true,
			"id": 48756,
			"mb": [
				[1.4, 2]
	}, {
		"id": "1.125657760",
		"orc": [{
			"fullImage": true,
			"id": 151478,
			"uo": [{
				"id": "71352090695",
				"p": 12,
				"s": 5,
				"side": "B",
				"status": "E",
				"pt": "L",
				"ot": "L",
				"pd": 1468919099000,
				"md": 1468933833000,
				"avp": 12,
				"sm": 4.75,
				"sr": 0.25,
				"sl": 0,
				"sc": 0,
				"sv": 0
			"mb": [
				[12, 4.75]

Remaining 0.25 is then matched on marketId 1.125657760

Example of Order Stream Output - with size remaining matched

 	"op": "ocm",
 	"id": 10,
 	"initialClk": "GtD10ZwBH5OJxZ0BHK75mZ0BGsKq6JoBH4THsZwB",
 	"clk": "AAAAAAAAAAAAAA==",
 	"conflateMs": 0,
 	"heartbeatMs": 5000,
 	"pt": 1468944647413,
 	"ct": "SUB_IMAGE",
 	"oc": [{
 		"id": "1.125670254",
 		"orc": [{
 			"fullImage": true,
 			"id": 5643663
 	}, {
 		"id": "1.125657760",
 		"orc": [{
 			"fullImage": true,
 			"id": 151478,
 			"mb": [
 				[12, 5]
 	}, {
 		"id": "1.125657695",
 		"orc": [{
 			"fullImage": true,
 			"id": 48756,
 			"mb": [
 				[1.4, 2]

Heartbeat / HeartbeatMessage

This is an explicit heartbeat request (in addition to the server heartbeat interval which is automatic).

This functionality should not normally be necessary unless you need to keep a firewall open.

Do I need to use HeartbeatMessage?

No - under normal circumstances the subscription level ChangeType.HEARTBEAT is an acceptable guarantee of connection health.

Use the HeartbeatMessage only if you need to keep a firewall open - as it will incur some performance penalty (as a response will block your connection)

Re-connection / Re-subscription

Although maintaining long-lived connections is actively encouraged (for the Stream API for example), for a number of reasons within & beyond our direct control, we cannot guarantee that keep-alive connection won't be forcibly closed.  We, therefore, advise all customers to ensure that they have reconnection logic in place to handle any connection termination scenarios.

If a client is disconnected a client may connect, authenticate and re-subscribe.

Prerequisite steps:

  • Store your subscription criteria (re-subscribe will only work correctly with identical subscription criteria.

  • Store initialClk (normally only initial image) & Clk (normally on every non-segmented message or a SEG_END) on any change message they are sent on.

The connection is broken.

  • Connect & Authenticate as normal

  • Subscribe setting initialClk and Clk to the last values sent on the subscription

  • Change message with ChangeType.RESUB_DELTA is sent - this will patch your cache

  • Some markets might have img=true set indicating they are either new or can't be patched.

Easiest way to implement re-subscribe

  • Store any new subscription message you send as a "pending subscription"

  • Store this as a "active subscription" once you get your initial image

  • Update the initialClk & clk on the subscription message with any non-null values

  • Resend this message after re-connecting

Performance Considerations

Here are a few tips on performance which are worth bearing in mind:

Performance tips

  • A single market subscription & a subscription to all markets have an identical latency:

    • Cost is identical as the two subscriptions above would evaluate in sequence and thus with the same average latency.

    • The initial image is more costly to send than extra updates.

    • Limiting data with appropriate filters reduces initial image time

  • Segmented data will always outperform non-segmented data:

    • You will be processing a buffer while another is in-flight and another is being prepared to send

  • Writes to your connection are directly affected by how quickly you consume data & clear your socket's buffer

    • Consuming data slowly is effectively identical to setting conflation.

    • If you receive con=true flag on a market - then you are either:

      1. consuming data slower than the rate of delivery

      2. The client subscription message has the "conflateMs" parameter set to a value greater than '0'.

      3. the Stream API has a slow publishing cycle resulting in multiple updates being pushed in the same message.

Currency Support

The Exchange Stream API supports GBP currency only.

Those looking to convert data from GBP to a different currency should use listCurrencyRates to do so.


Market subscriptions - are always in underlying exchange currency - GBP. The default roll-up for GBP is £1 for batb / batl and bdatb / bdatl, This means that stakes of less than £1 (or currency equivalent) are rolled up to the next available price on the odds ladder. For atb / atl there is no roll-up. Available volume is displayed at all prices including those with less than £2 available.

Orders subscriptions - are provided in the currency of the account that the orders are placed in.

Runner Removals on the Order Stream

When a Rule 4 Runner Removal occurs in a Horse Race the price of matched bets on remaining runners are reduced by a Reduction Factor.

For these matched bets, you will receive on the Order Stream both a uo for the affected bet and the relevant updates to mb or ml (reducing the matched volume at the original matched price and adding volume at the new reduced price).

Initial bet placement at price 12


Bet fully matched at price 12


Runner removed (and so bet was reduced in price to 9.47)


See the avp in the uo record showing the new price of 9.47 and see the two entries in mb, one to remove the previously added size of 2 at a price point 12 and one to add the size of 2 into the new price point of size 9.47.

Bets placed on the actual removed runner will be voided/lapsed (for matched/unmatched bets respectively) and these will also be sent through on the Order Stream. 

Identifying Cancelled BSP Bets

Whilst BSP bets cannot be cancelled in general, in the scenario where a Limit Price applied to the BSP bet is updated this is modelled as a Cancellation of the original bet with the original Limit Price and a Place of a new bet with the new Limit Price.

In this scenario, the cancellation of the original bet can be identified by looking at the "Cancelled Date" field ("cd") on the "Unmatched Orders" object ("uo") - N.B. there will be no "Size Cancelled" ("sc") because a BSP bet does not have any Size before reconciliation.

Line Markets

Line markets being sent on the Market Stream can be identified by the bettingType field of MarketDefinition (with value of "LINE").

The MarketDefinition of Line markets provides some additional fields that will be null for all other types,

  • lineMaxUnit - maximum value for the outcome, in market units for this market (eg 100 runs).

  • lineMinUnit - minimum value for the outcome, in market units for this market (eg 0 runs).

  • lineInterval - the odds ladder on this market will be between the range of lineMinUnit and lineMaxUnit, in increments of the interval value.e.g. If lineMinUnit=10 runs, lineMaxUnit=20 runs, lineInterval=0.5 runs, then valid odds include 10, 10.5, 11, 11.5 up to 20 runs.

For updates for Orders on Line markets received on the Order Stream be aware of how the following properties behave,

  • price - line markets operate at even-money odds of 2.0. However, the price for these markets refers to the line positions available as defined by the markets min-max range and interval steps.

  • side - for Line markets a 'B' bet refers to a SELL line and an 'L' bet refers to a BUY line.

  • averagePriceMatched - this value is not meaningful for activity on Line markets and is not guaranteed to be returned or maintained for these markets.

Stream API Status - latency

If any latency occurs, the ChangeMessage for the Order and Market Stream will contain a 'status' field which will give an indication of the health of the stream data provided by the service.  This feature will be used in addition to the heartbeat mechanism which only gives an indication that the service is up but doesn't provide an indication of the latency of the data provided. 

By default, when the stream data is up to date the value is set to null and will be set to 503 when the stream data is unreliable (i.e. not all bets and market changes will be reflected on the stream) due to an increase in push latency.  Clients shouldn't disconnect if status 503 is returned; when the stream recovers updates will be sent containing the latest data.  The status is sent per subscription on heartbeats and change messages.

Example of message containing the status field:



Stream Health

In addition to the Stream API status field, we'd recommend the below as best practice for monitoring the health of the Stream API:

  • Use heartbeat messages to confirm Stream API is healthy and that you are still connected

  • Messages with ChangeType.HEARTBEAT will be sent at the requested interval if no change has occurred.

  • If no message of any kind is received for 2 x heartbeat intervals then you may no longer be connected to initiate a fresh connection (use re-subscribe to continue where you left off)

  • Re-connect code should contain back-offs to avoid spamming the service if you are unable to connect for a prolonged period for any reason


Conflation set to true (con=true) in the stream message means that multiple stream updates have been pushed in the same cycle.

This can happen due to the following reasons:

  • The client socket buffer for the connection needs to be read (cleared) by the client in order for the Stream API to push the next cycle, if not the current update is skipped, and pushed with the next cycle resulting in "con = true".

  • The client subscription message has the "conflateMs" parameter set to a value greater than '0'.

  • The Stream API has a slow publishing cycle resulting in multiple updates being pushed in the same message.

Lapse Status Reason Code Possible Values

This field will now be present in some cases on the Order object of the Order Stream to denote the reason that some or all of the order is lapsed. It will be null if no portion of the order is lapsed or if the order lapsed for some reason other than those listed below.

The full list of currently supported values for this field is:




The market was unknown, presumably removed from the matcher (closed) between bet placement and matching.


 The market was known about but in an invalid state.


The runner was unknown, presumably removed between bet placement and matching.


The bet was waiting in the queue too long, so was lapsed for safety.


The bet's currency ID was not recognised by the matcher.


The bet's price was invalid, e.g. outside the defined ladder for the market.


The market was suspended at the time the bet came to be matched.


The bet had a maximum market version set, and the market's version on matching was greater than this.


The bet was on a line market, but was requested targeting profit or payout.


The bet was on a line market, but was either a BSP bet directly or requested to PERSIST_TO_SP.


The bet was a BSP bet that had somehow come to be placed after turn-in-play.


The bet's stake was worth less than half a penny in GBP.


When the bet came to be matched, the price available was better than its best-permitted price, suggesting a significant shift in the market, presumably due to a major incident, which may have rendered the bet unwanted.

Offline Documentation

An offline version of the Exchange Stream API is available via ExchangeStreamAPI-March2018.pdf

Please note, the full Exchange Stream API specification is available online here  

Known Issues

  • Markets moved under a new eventId - In certain circumstances, a market may move from one eventId to another due to actions performed by our Exchange Operations team.  This will cause the Exchange Stream API to hold two copies of the market in its cache and the initial image of the market provided will therefore contain both copies of the market.  In these circumstances, further Stream API updates will only be sent for the latest version of the market.  You can identify the latest version of the market using the "version" parameter returned in the initial image and should only store the market with the higher version number.

  • Trades with volume = 0 for all traded price points- e.g. [{"trd":[[1.75,0],[1.5,0],[1.25,0],[1.32,0],[1.57,0],[2.86,0],[1.82,0],[2.36,0],[1.76,0],[2.48,0],[1.51,0],[2.98,0],[1.26,0]... - This is an artefact of settlement kicking off that moves the bets away from trading DB into the longer-term store. Any price change notifications triggered during this process will result in attempts to reconstruct the market view based on no bets being available and would result in this kind of notification being sent.