This documentation refers to the code available at
python v 2.7.2 -
urllib2 python module -
json python module -
datetime python module -
sys python module -
A note on Python3:
We have added a python3 version of the json-rpc script, which is in the python subdirectory of the github sample code repo named This functions exactly the same way as the python 2.7X sample, but with compatibility tweaks for Python 3. The documentation below reflects the python 2.7X code, but the
You only need to clone or download the repository linked to above. If you do not have a valid Python 2.7.X installation already then please follow the download and installation instructions from the python wiki.
Run the scripts
Change to the directory where you cloned the repository to and run the sample of your choice as follows:
python <appkey> <sessiontoken>
Rescript →
python <appkey> <sessiontoken>
Note: If the command line arguments for application key and session token are not provided then the script will prompt for application key and session token
Calling API-NG with JSON-RPC protocol
Method and param values need to be changed based on the required service operation.You can execute multiple service operation together with a single call using batch json-rpc call where you can correlate the responses with value of the id.
URL = url = "" jsonrpc_req = '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "SportsAPING/v1.0/listEventTypes", "params": {"filter":{ }}, "id": 1}' headers = {'X-Application': appKey, 'X-Authentication': sessionToken, 'content-type': 'application/json'} def callAping(jsonrpc_req): try: req = urllib2.Request(url, jsonrpc_req, headers) response = urllib2.urlopen(req) jsonResponse = return jsonResponse except urllib2.URLError: print 'Oops no service available at ' + str(url) exit() except urllib2.HTTPError: print 'Oops not a valid operation from the service ' + str(url) exit()
Calling API-NG with Rescript protocol
url = '${operationName}/' headers = {'X-Application': appKey, 'X-Authentication': sessionToken, 'content-type': 'application/json', 'accept': 'application/json'} request = '{"filter":{"eventTypeIds":["7"],"marketCountries":["GB"],"marketStartTime":{"from":"2013-05-21T00:00:00Z"}},"sort":"FIRST_TO_START","maxResults":"1","marketProjection":["RUNNER_METADATA"]}' def callAping(url, request): try: req = urllib2.Request(url, request, headers) response = urllib2.urlopen(req) jsonResponse = return jsonResponse except urllib2.URLError: print 'Oops there is some issue with the request' exit() except urllib2.HTTPError: print 'Oops there is some issue with the request' + urllib2.HTTPError.getcode() exit()
Get next available horse racing market and runner information using listMarketCatalogue
def getMarketCatalogueForNextGBWin(eventTypeID): if (eventTypeID is not None): print 'Calling listMarketCatalouge Operation to get MarketID and selectionId' now ='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') market_catalogue_req = '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "SportsAPING/v1.0/listMarketCatalogue", "params": {"filter":{"eventTypeIds":["' + eventTypeID + '"],"marketCountries":["GB"],"marketTypeCodes":["WIN"],'\ '"marketStartTime":{"from":"' + now + '"}},"sort":"FIRST_TO_START","maxResults":"1","marketProjection":["RUNNER_METADATA"]}, "id": 1}' """ print market_catalogue_req """ market_catalogue_response = callAping(market_catalogue_req) """ print market_catalogue_response """ market_catalouge_loads = json.loads(market_catalogue_response) try: market_catalouge_results = market_catalouge_loads['result'] return market_catalouge_results except: print 'Exception from API-NG' + str(market_catalouge_results['error']) exit() def getMarketId(marketCatalougeResult): if( marketCatalougeResult is not None): for market in marketCatalougeResult: return market['marketId'] def getSelectionId(marketCatalougeResult): if(marketCatalougeResult is not None): for market in marketCatalougeResult: return market['runners'][0]['selectionId'] marketCatalougeResult = getMarketCatalogueForNextGBWin(horseRacingEventTypeID) marketid = getMarketId(marketCatalougeResult) runnerId = getSelectionId(marketCatalougeResult)
def getMarketCatalouge(eventTypeID): if(eventTypeID is not None): print 'Calling listMarketCatalouge Operation to get MarketID and selectionId' endPoint = '' now ='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') market_catalouge_req = '{"filter":{"eventTypeIds":["' + eventTypeID + '"],"marketCountries":["GB"],"marketStartTime":{"from":"' + now + '"}},"sort":"FIRST_TO_START","maxResults":"1","marketProjection":["RUNNER_METADATA"]}' market_catalouge_response = callAping(endPoint, market_catalouge_req) market_catalouge_loads = json.loads(market_catalouge_response) return market_catalouge_loads def getMarketId(marketCatalougeResult): if(marketCatalougeResult is not None): for market in marketCatalougeResult: return market['marketId'] def getSelectionId(marketCatalougeResult): if(marketCatalougeResult is not None): for market in marketCatalougeResult: return market['runners'][0]['selectionId'] marketCatalougeResult = getMarketCatalouge(horseRacingEventTypeID) marketid = getMarketId(marketCatalougeResult) runnerId = getSelectionId(marketCatalougeResult)
Get available price for the next horse racing market using listMarketBook
def getMarketBookBestOffers(marketId): print 'Calling listMarketBook to read prices for the Market with ID :' + marketId market_book_req = '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "SportsAPING/v1.0/listMarketBook", "params": {"marketIds":["' + marketId + '"],"priceProjection":{"priceData":["EX_BEST_OFFERS"]}}, "id": 1}' """ print market_book_req """ market_book_response = callAping(market_book_req) """ print market_book_response """ market_book_loads = json.loads(market_book_response) try: market_book_result = market_book_loads['result'] return market_book_result except: print 'Exception from API-NG' + str(market_book_result['error']) exit() def printPriceInfo(market_book_result): if(market_book_result is not None): print 'Please find Best three available prices for the runners' for marketBook in market_book_result: runners = marketBook['runners'] for runner in runners: print 'Selection id is ' + str(runner['selectionId']) if (runner['status'] == 'ACTIVE'): print 'Available to back price :' + str(runner['ex']['availableToBack']) print 'Available to lay price :' + str(runner['ex']['availableToLay']) else: print 'This runner is not active' market_book_result = getMarketBookBestOffers(marketid) printPriceInfo(market_book_result)
def getMarketBook(marketId): if( marketId is not None): print 'Calling listMarketBook to read prices for the Market with ID :' + marketId market_book_req = '{"marketIds":["' + marketId + '"],"priceProjection":{"priceData":["EX_BEST_OFFERS"]}}' endPoint = '' market_book_response = callAping(endPoint, market_book_req) market_book_loads = json.loads(market_book_response) return market_book_loads def printPriceInfo(market_book_result): print 'Please find Best three available prices for the runners' for marketBook in market_book_result: try: runners = marketBook['runners'] for runner in runners: print 'Selection id is ' + str(runner['selectionId']) if (runner['status'] == 'ACTIVE'): print 'Available to back price :' + str(runner['ex']['availableToBack']) print 'Available to lay price :' + str(runner['ex']['availableToLay']) else: print 'This runner is not active' except: print 'No runners available for this market' market_book_result = getMarketBook(marketid) printPriceInfo(market_book_result)
Placing a bet on first active runner from next horse racing market using placeOrders
def placeFailingBet(marketId, selectionId): if( marketId is not None and selectionId is not None): print 'Calling placeOrder for marketId :' + marketId + ' with selection id :' + str(selectionId) place_order_Req = '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "SportsAPING/v1.0/placeOrders", "params": {"marketId":"' + marketId + '","instructions":'\ '[{"selectionId":"' + str( selectionId) + '","handicap":"0","side":"BACK","orderType":"LIMIT","limitOrder":{"size":"0.01","price":"1.50","persistenceType":"LAPSE"}}],"customerRef":"test12121212121"}, "id": 1}' """ print place_order_Req """ place_order_Response = callAping(place_order_Req) place_order_load = json.loads(place_order_Response) try: place_order_result = place_order_load['result'] print 'Place order status is ' + place_order_result['status'] """ print 'Place order error status is ' + place_order_result['errorCode'] """ print 'Reason for Place order failure is ' + place_order_result['instructionReports'][0]['errorCode'] except: print 'Exception from API-NG' + str(place_order_result['error']) placeBet(marketid, runnerId)
def placeBet(marketId, selectionId): if( marketId is not None and selectionId is not None): print 'Calling placeOrder for marketId :' + marketId + ' with selection id :' + str(selectionId) place_order_Req = '{"marketId":"' + marketId + '","instructions":'\ '[{"selectionId":"' + str( selectionId) + '","handicap":"0","side":"BACK","orderType":"LIMIT","limitOrder":{"size":"1.01","price":"1.50","persistenceType":"LAPSE"}}],"customerRef":"test12121212121"}' endPoint = '' place_order_Response = callAping(endPoint, place_order_Req) place_order_load = json.loads(place_order_Response) print 'Place order status is ' + place_order_load['status'] print 'Reason for Place order failure is ' + place_order_load['instructionReports'][0]['errorCode'] placeBet(marketid, runnerId)